Troubleshooting of Hardware

Troubleshooting of Hardware:-
  1. System Slow
  2. System Restart
  3. System Hang
  4. No Display
  5. Not power ON
  6. Beep sound
  7. BSOD
System Slow:-
  • Check the memory (C, D, E drive).
  • Delete the cookies, Temp Files & Disk clean up.
  • Check the antivirus and scan the system with updated antivirus.
  • Increase the RAM size.
  • Motherboard problem.
System Restart:-
  • Processor overheated.
  • RAM Problem.
  • Virus Problem.
  • Power Problem.
  • OS Problem.
  • Motherboard Problem.
System Hang:-
  • Processor overheat.
  • Memory full
  • Multiple application.
  • RAM problem.
  • Virus problem.
  • Motherboard problem.
No Display:-
  • Check the power and VGA cable.
  • Check the RAM.
  • Motherboard problem.
Not Power ON:-
  • Check the power supply.
  • check the power cable.
  • Check the SMPS.
  • Check the motherboard.
Beep Sound:-
  • 1-Beep - Video or memory problem.
  • 2-Beep- RAM problem.
  • More Beep- Processor problem.
  • Blue Screen or Deth.
  • Hardware failure.
  • RAM Problem.
  • OS corrupt.
  • Motherboard Problem.

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